The X-Men are a bunch of Mutant. Homo superiors, or men with superhuman powers. They first hit the stands in 1963, whihc cover art is found below:

It was sold for 12 cents only. Its first edition comic book can be bought at a record price of $492,937.50 according to an article found here.

Anyway this post is about the evolution of its members from 1963. For starters, here are the (founding) members of the X-Men, at the helm of Professor X.

Scott Summer or Cyclops - He is the leader of the team. Not that much evolution in terms of his powers and abilities. He was and still is the boring one.

Bobby Drake, Iceman - Still transforms into ice.

Hank Mc Coy, had a significant transformation by turning into blue brutish Beast.

In terms of physical, emotional, changes Warrent Worthington probably had the worst. From the playboy happy go lucky Angel, into a Horseman of Death by Apocaypse.

But nobody would beat the transformation of one Jean Grey. From a simple telekinetic and telepath into Phoenix, and eventually the Dark Phoenix. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

From the generic uniforms to its individual and distinct look.

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